Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What is the Matrix?

Reality is what you choose to beleive. If you beleive something is real, then it must be. It doesn't matter what other people think, but if you can see, hear or feel it, then it must be real. Life is how you embrace reality, reality is what you make of it. It really and truly is all in the mind, once again if you think its real, then it is. Reality is 99% perception, how you view reality. In the Matrix, Neo had to choose either the red pill which would take him to a new world, or the blue pill which would take him back to his 'normal' "real" life. Neo chose the red pill, took a chance and found himself living in some horrid non existant environment. To us it's unreal, but to Neo, because he is living it, and experiencing it not by himself but with other people who beleive this imaginary place is real, it is real...to them. People can sit and watch this movie and say, 'that life's not real, the world can't be a dark deserted place with some people living in some cave doing experiments and going to 'real live' places. It's ridiculous. But we only think that because we feel it's unrealistic. To the characters in the Matrix, it must be real.

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